Just in! Tenor and Gfycat on Outfy

Great GIFs are fun, eye-catching, and memorable. Using GIFs to engage audiences is a smart way to grow follower counts and build brand loyalty.

Until now, Outfy users could use Giphy to find and share GIFs with their audiences. Now, they can find even more GIFs on Tenor and Gfycat to do the same...without leaving Outfy. Convenient and cool, eh?

Here’s how to check out what Tenor and Gfycat have in store for you:

  • Find GIFs or Canva/GIPHY, located on the left panel.
  • Choose any of the GIF option of your choice - Tenor or Gfycat

    Tenor and Gfycat

  • Enter your keyword like “Easter” or “Christmas” if you plan to share and celebrate an occasion. And then share it with your followers

Tenor and Gfycat

And then some
This is only one of the many community building ideas Outfy has enabled for you. And your store. Watch this blog for more.